5 Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Beauty Routine

In an era where environmental awareness has a huge influence our consumption choices, it's important to rethink our approach to cosmetic products. If you're reading this article, that's proof already that the subject matter is important to you!

Did you know that every day, 4 tons of cosmetic creams are thrown away in France? It's an alarming figure, isn’t it? On top of that, 46% of French women report having abandoned a product without even finishing it…

But there are ways to avoid all this! As informed consumers, we can help reduce waste by adopting a few simple daily habits.

This is why the Cosmébio team wanted to share 5 simple tips to minimize cosmetic waste while still taking care of your skin.


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Choose Products Suited to Your Skin

So many cosmetic products end up in the trash before being fully used, it's just heartbreaking 💔. This often happens because we chose cosmetics that aren't suited to our skin or expectations. Leading to unpleasant skin reactions such as redness, itching, greasy skin or disappointing results. 😞

Sometimes it could be an allergy to an ingredient in the product's composition. Make sur to check the ingredient list to avoid any undesired reactions.

To avoid these problems, it’s important to fully understand and know your skin type. A skin diagnosis can help determine your skin’s needs and choose the right products adapted to you.

Does the INCI list still look like a foreign language to you? Feel free to check out our article on deciphering the INCI list.


Give Your Cosmetic Products a Second Life

Instead of throwing away cosmetic products that we no longer use, why not give them a second chance at life?

For example, if you have a foundation that’s too dark, mix it with a bit of moisturizer to create your own custom BB cream. And when it comes to a face cream that’s a bit too rich, it can be transformed into an excellent lotion for drier parts of the body like elbows, your feet, or knees…

Don't be afraid to offer these products to someone else who has a hair or skintype better adapted to the product. Just be sure to respect the expiration date or remember when you opened the product in order to follow the recommended PAO, Period After Openin, indicated on the packaging (more on this below).


Adopt a Minimalist Beauty Routine

Less is sometimes more!

Opting for a minimalist skincare routine means focusing on the essentials by using only the necessary products.

A minimalist routine can consist of a few versatile products that are perfectly suited to our needs. In reality, you can easily take care of your face's skin and complexion with just five products. 😊


eviter gaspillage cosmetique


Buy Only What You Need

Faced with the temptation of new products, it’s sometimes hard to resist the impulse purchase of cosmetics. 😬 However, to avoid waste, it's important to buy only what we truly need.

Before acquiring a new product, take the time to assess whether it truly complements your beauty routine or if it’s just a fleeting “whim.”


Avoid Opening Multiple Products of the Same Category at the Same Time

It’s tempting to alternate between several products in the same category, whether they’re different serums, creams, or masks.

However, this habit could lead to waste, as the products might pass their expiration date before being fully used.

But can we still use a cosmetic product if it’s expired? 🤔

Even if its tempting, the safe response is "no". It could cause skin irritations or even the appearance of blemishes. To know if a cosmetic product is expired, refer to the Period After Opening (PAO). Usually, this information is represented by a jar symbol with 3M (3 months), 6M (6 months), 9M (9 months), 12M (12 months), 24M (24 months), or 36M (36 months) printed on it.

To avoid this reason for excess waste, it’s better to finish one product before opening another in the same category. By respecting expiration dates and using each product completely, we maximize their effectiveness while minimizing waste.


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Written by
Marie  Marie