Eco Cosmetics GmbH & Co. KG

Address and contact

Hildesheimer Straße 353
30880 Laatzen


The company eco cosmetics has existed with its predecessors since 1993.
“In the beginning, we operated as Venus, Sorge & Stirner GbR to offer alternative medicine
practitioners an extensive range of aromatherapy essential oils from certified organic farming.
Later on, we also supplied essential oils to large corporations”, reminisces Dieter Sorge, Managing
Director, company founder and trained alternative medicine practitioner.
In 1998, Leyla Sorge, née Kaya, joined the company as a partner, and the company changed its
name to Venus, Sorge & Kaya GbR. New goals were defined, and the product range was expanded:
The company added real soaps, nutritional supplements and a cosmetics range with active
ingredients from nigella, Demeter sea buckthorn, noni and pomegranate.
“In my Turkish family nigella traditionally played an important role in baking. That makes it all the
more wonderful that I am harnessing the power of this familiar plant to offer care products”, says
Leyla Sorge, who is meanwhile a member of the management.
In 2004, the company changed its name to ECO Cosmetics GmbH & Co KG, and was the first
German natural cosmetics company to acquire the Ecocert certification based on the organisation’s
strict guidelines. That same year, the first natural cosmetics range was launched by the ECO
Cosmetics brand. The goal of all developments is to make life healthier and more pleasant for
people with allergies and sensitive skin.
In 2005, at the Biofach trade fair for organic products in Nuremberg, we presented our latest
development – a complete sun protection range with natural mineral UV filters.
Since this time, we have continuously expanded our sun protection range, and refined the
Thanks to intensive research, we were the first company to create purely natural sun protection
products with SPF 50+.
Over the years, we have developed into a specialist in this field, and are one of the leading
companies for natural mineral sun protection. Together with our care products, this is popular not
only in Germany, but also worldwide.

The activities of the member

  • Finished products in own brand