The New Cosmébio Manifesto
January 21 2021, the Cosmébio team and its Board of Directors presented the new Cosmébio Manifest to its association members.
Cosmébio was born out of a powerful will to offer organic cosmetics that preserve both our heath and the environment. Created at a time when these topics were still arcane, the historic battles of the association have revolutionized the sector, creating a necessary transparency for certification. With this manifesto, signed by all of its members, Cosmébio is hereby renewing its commitments.
Cosmetics are the result of ancestral savoir-faire. For as long as we can remember it is a way to express nature’s treasures as a service to bodily care and beautification. Too often, its innate connection to earth was forgotten, mishandled, infringed upon.
Our time has even seen the birth of a denatured cosmetic, cut from its roots. This unwavering connection between cosmetics and the living remains, it is the very essence of organic cosmetics. We want to rekindle this connection, share it and pass it on.

Organic cosmetics are the fruit of an agriculture that strengthens the delicate balance of life on earth, without altering it. This agriculture has demonstrated its ability to commit to a holistic approach, to focus on soil health, to regenerate living things as a whole and to recognize, for its true value, the hard work of the men and women that shape it.
It is in service to this philosophy, all while combining traditional savoir-faire and scientific progress, that we remain pioneers in the field, that we maintain a vigilant eye and that we preserve our founding mobilization through these essential commitments :
- Being guarantors of safe and effective cosmetics;
- Acting in favor of organic farming and in doing so, restoring biodiversity and combatting climate change;
- Improving the environmental impact of our products throughout their life cycle, from harvesting to packaging and all the way to the chosen modes of transport;
- Building equal and fair relationships at every stage, throughout the entire industry;
- Communicating with transparency about our strengths as well as our dilemmas;
- Continuously improving the Cosmébio label by strengthening our requirements without waiting for mandated regulations.
Joining our movement means:
- Declaring that our health and the environment are inherently codependent;
- Acting in coherence so that our methods of care and beauty are methods of protection;
- Believing in the vital necessity to preserve the connection between humanity and nature;
- Joining with other companies that have decided to put their ideals into action.
In changing cosmetics, we can change the world !
Our commitments in detail
1. Being guarantors of safe and effective cosmetics
We defend cosmetics that use ingredients originating from organic farming, where the use of synthetic pesticides is forbidden and where respect for health is the rule. We choose natural formulas and we prohibit, from these formulas, controversial and dangerous ingredients deriving from petrochemistry.
2. Acting in favor of organic farming and in doing so, restoring biodiversity and combatting climate change
By choosing organically farmed raw material and following strict and rigorous specifications, we support respectful practices that create balance in the ecosystem, maintain the richness of our soil and preserve the quality of our air and water.
3. Improving the environmental impact of our products throughout their life cycle, from harvesting to packaging and all the way to the chosen modes of transport
We are committed to identifying the environmental impact of our products, to reducing it and to taking it into account, from the very beginning of the creation of a new product. In order to stand up to the major challenge that plastic waste poses on our society, we are committed to decreasing our plastic footprint.
4. Building equal and fair relationships at every stage, throughout the entire industry
We are committed to developing fair, lasting and ethical relationships with our producers, suppliers and collaborators. We pay special attention to territorial solidarity where we cultivate, buy, manufacture, and market. Whenever possible, we value the local savoirfaire.
5. Communicating with transparency about our strengths as well as our dilemmas
We are committed to having a transparent and educational discourse about our most progressive practices as well as about the dilemmas we face in the industry, whether it concerns the composition of our products, the traceability of our ingredients or the conduct of our organizations. We promote Cosmebio’s values with a duty to raise awareness and educate the general public.
6. Continuously improving the Cosmébio label by strengthening our requirements without waiting for mandated regulations
In response to the needs of the world and its continuously evolving demands in favor of more responsible cosmetics, we partake in an unceasing commitment to constantly improve all parts of our actions. We are committed to strengthening our standards, through our own volition or in conjunction with other organizations and labels, whenever necessary. We monitor and measure the effects of our actions and we are committed to improving them, year after year.
Cosmébio uses the COSMOS STANDARD